Monday 22 August 2011

The Aidilfitri Commercial!!!

Alhamdullillah...we were completing the Aidilfitri commercial...
Insya-Allah it will be shown in some days...
But, this commercial is more shorter than requirement...
A couple of minutes from three minutes...
We have faced many problems...such as hang laptop...
But, finally...this video is complete...

Friday 19 August 2011

The testimonals...

Ramadhan is nearly ending and the Syawal is beginning...
Everyone must say...Ramadhan is the month of Rizqi...
It is true...

During Ramadhan, we had get the baked-fish paste...from producer in Kemaman, Terengganu.

We sold them to many person including lecturer, staffs, Desa Jaya residents also students.


"It is delicous and unique. My husband told it also..."
Kak Ina, Shopkeepers @ Nadikota

"Sweet and delicous,"
Madam Hidayatun, Faculty of Business Management Lecturer

"Best, i was really enjoying it!"
Madam Faizan, Faculty of Business Management Lecturer

"Great! Totally great!"
Sir Khairul Anwar, Faculty of Law Lecturer

"Totally delicious..."
Kak Amidah, Unit Pengurusan Kolej Siswi staff

Alhamdulillah, Praise to Allah SWT...
We face the success...we also consider to commercialize it...
Insya-Allah =)

Thursday 4 August 2011

Sorry not updating

Salam...we want to seek a forgiveness because not updating our blog. We had face many problems.

For the many times, we are sorry for everything.
